Why Does God Ask Questions in the Bible?
Why do God and Jesus ask questions? Doesn’t it seem silly? After all, God knows everything.
Bottomless Solutions
Sometimes we cling to our ideas or thoughts because we're afraid it’s the best we can come up with.
Put Yourself Out There
“Then I said, “Put a clean turban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the LORD stood by.” Zechariah 3:5 Part of the creative nature of an artist or writer is the sensitivity. Unfortunately, sensitive people can bruise easily. Something bubbles within your soul and you cannot contain it. You release it from your fingertips, it flows into words. OK, now what do I do with it? There is an earnest desire to share it, to share this piece of your heart. The problem is: it would be like exposing yourself naked, for all to view. Who wants…