After fifty plus years in business and ministry, Gary has decided to pick up the craft of writing. A San Francisco Bay Area native, Gary and his wife, Barbara 'retired' to Idaho a decade ago. This lasted approximately six weeks before Gary was asked to consult and coach a number of churches in the state. He is now slowing toward retirement. Gary and Barbara are residents of the Treasure Valley area.

  • Monday Meditations

    Better Than New

    The coffee mug hung momentarily in mid-air, ultimately surrendering to gravity. The morning quiet was shattered along with my favorite mug (a not-so-ironstone cup), as fragments, shards, and coffee splattered everywhere. “What a way to start my Monday,” I muttered. Maybe you’ve had that type of experience, if not that, possibly a flat tire, a family squabble, or a dreaded phone call. Scratch that, dreaded phone calls always come at 2 o’clock in the morning.On my knees, hunched over my cup catastrophe, I simultaneously gathered the mug’s seemingly endless fragments, daubed up the coffee and fended off our curious puppy. But mostly I thought about broken stuff. All around me…