Don’t Let the Fear of Winter Steal Your Joy in Fall
“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34 NRSB
“What’s your favorite season?”
I feel like “fall” may be the most common answer. It is a visually pleasing time of the year when even trees seem to decorate for us. But there are so many other joys, as well. Coolness eases the burden of heat. Warming spices and comfort foods scent the air. There is a sense of reward for labor in harvest. Plus, there is something hopeful about the reinstatement of routine. And there’s the anticipation of holidays and family time.
Unfortunately, I rarely appreciate all that autumn entails. My favorite part is the temperature of fall–but the dread of freezing frequently prevents me from appreciating it. A sudden drop in degrees and the swinging barometric pressures can be hard on the body.
Snow falling is lovely, but the biting-cold and dreary skies just last too long for me here in the Treasure Valley. With this impending doom, I find myself focused on how many layers I should bring, or blankets I should add. I lose out on taking a deep breath and enjoying several lovely months. I find myself more worried about the next season than the current one.

Tomorrow has its own trouble
This future-focus can stifle writing, as well. When you type out your words… your story… your very heart, while imagining how others will judge or reject the work–you will pull back. You might shrivel completely.
If you focus (too much) on marketability, your authenticity will suffer.
If you think about how it will never measure to your friend’s, mentor’s or hero’s work–you will stymie creativity.
There is a time to “kill all those darlings.” However, it is after they have been written down.
Therefore, be free today. Be present in the current season. Write unabashedly. Winter is not yet here.
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Beliefs represented by individual authors are not necessarily shared by all members of ICW.